Fridays 7:00 PM (Spanish).
Saturdays 4:30 PM (English).
Sundays before 1:30 PM Mass (Vietnamese).
Baptism may take place during Saturday Evening or Sunday Mass or be scheduled for other times. Baptism preparation classes are required. To make arrangements for a baptism contact a priest or deacon.
Baptismal Requirements
(Newborns – 6 years of age)
REGISTRATION. The family must be registered -form on file- in St. Mary’s for no less than 2 months.
- If parents are registered somewhere else, they must present a permission letter from their parish priest in order for the child to be baptized here.
PRE-BAPTISMAL TALK. The Parents and godparents (sponsors) must have attended the pre-baptismal talk before the date of baptism.
SPONSORS. Sponsors must be registered at a Parish, be practicing Catholics and must have received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. If any of the Sponsors are married, he/she must have been married in the Roman Catholic Church.
Child’s Birth Certificate
Sponsor’s Sacramental Certificates:
First Communion
Marriage (in case he/she is married)
Diocesan regulations require that couples must make arrangements with the priest or deacon at least six months in advance. Pre-Marriage instruction is required.
Anointing of the sick
If ill or infirm, please contact the parish office to make arrangements to receive the sacrament.